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June 9, 2020

Announcing Filecoin's Testnet Incentives

Announcing Filecoin's Testnet Incentives

After years of research and development, Filecoin’s mainnet launch is within sight. Today, we’re announcing Filecoin’s testnet incentives program and inviting miners all over the world to compete to earn global and regional pools totaling up to 4 million Filecoin tokens.

Program structure

The testnet incentives program is a collaborative competition intended to stress-test the network, encourage participation all over the world, and help miners get ready to run the world’s biggest decentralized storage network. The competition’s basic structure is simple: for three weeks, miners will compete to onboard as much storage capacity as possible to the network. The top 100 miners globally, as well as the top 50 miners from each continent, will earn Filecoin rewards based on how much storage they and the network achieve during the test period.

There are two ways miners can earn more rewards:

“Regions” are the six continents, excluding Antarctica. We use this list to decide which continent a country falls into. The total reward pools split between the top mining operations are:

Total FIL rewards (global pool)     Global network storage achieved
100k 5 PiB
200k 10 PiB
300k 25 PiB
500k 50 PiB
1MM * 100 PiB

* Only unlocked if each region achieves at least 1PiB of storage

Total FIL rewards (regional pool)     Regional network storage achieved
25k 100 TiB
50k 500 TiB
100k 1 PiB
250k 5 PiB
500k 10 PiB

Here’s a sample calculation:

In addition to committing sealed storage, miners must be prepared to successfully complete terabytes of real storage and retrieval deals to be eligible for rewards. They also must demonstrate the ability to execute the full sector life cycle – creating committed capacity sectors, upgrading them to store real data, and terminating them.

The competition will include a dashboard where miners can view global and regional reward tiers, as well as individual miner storage power, deal success rate, and sector life cycle command completion, in real time. Miners will also be able to display their names (individual or company) alongside their miner ID on the leaderboard.



Filecoin will use the SDR proof-of-replication (very similar to the existing testnet construction) for testnet incentives and at mainnet launch. Miners should expect Filecoin to regularly upgrade its proofs after launch.

The Filecoin team does not recommend any specific hardware configuration. For the sake of convenience, here are some setups we’ve used for various types of testing. It is overwhelmingly likely that there are more efficient setups, and we strongly encourage miners to test and experiment to find the best combinations.


The competition will run for a total of three weeks. We’ll confirm the exact start date when we fix a launch date, but the competition may begin as soon as early July. We strongly encourage miners to start preparing now.

Join the testnet and start mining

Whether you’re an experienced miner or just getting started, the testnet incentives competition is a great time to ramp up your participation on the Filecoin network. Get started with the docs for Lotus (a Filecoin node and miner) and join the Filecoin Slack.

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